class: center, middle  # 23 APRIL 2019 ## INBO coding club Herman Teirlinck
01.70 - Ferdinand Peters --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle 
[`dplyr` cheatsheet]( --- class: center, middle ### How to get started? Check the [Each session setup]( to get started. ### First time coding club? Check the [First time setup]( section to setup. --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle ### Share your code during the coding session! Go to
--- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_1.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 1 - Click [`20190423/20190423_species.csv`]( and download* data file to `./data` folder. - Click [`20190423/20190423_challenges.R`]( and download* script in `./src` folder.
* __Note__: check the getting started instructions on [how to download a single file](
- Open the [`20190423/20190423_challenges.R`]( file. - Extract the columns: `scientificName, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, eventDate, year, identifiedBy, speciesKey and issue` for the observations... - observed in June - from either `Lycopus europaeus`, `Phragmites australis`, `Cymatia bonsdorffi` or `Lemna minor` - where column `issue` is `NA` --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_2.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 2 - In the `occs` data.frame, create a new column, called `grid_resolution_km`, by calculating the grid resolution based on the `coordinateUncertaintyInMeters` information. To get the grid resolution from the uncertainty in meter use the following: `gridresolution = sqrt(2) * coordinateUncertaintyInMeters/1000` - Sort the columns from newest to oldest observation --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_3.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 3 - In the `occs` data.frame, how many observations (count the number of rows) are available _for each_ year? --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_3.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 3 - BONUS - Click [`20180222/20180222_surveys.csv`]( and download data file to `./data` folder. - Calculate the median weight, mean weight and number of records _for each_ identifier in the `species_id` column
* __Note__: check the getting started instructions on [how to download a single file](
--- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle  Room: Herman Teirlinck - 01.70 - Frans Breziers
Date: __23/05/2019__, van 10:00 tot 12:00
(registration announced via