class: center, middle  # 19 DECEMBER 2019 ## INBO coding club Herman Teirlinck
01.71 - Frans Breziers --- class: center, left While you all are hypnotized by this gif created with [`moveVis`]( package, I check the roomie out of the room.
 --- class: center, middle  --- class: left, middle ## Recap: what did I learn during the last coding club? 1. The ggplot recipe:
data - mapping - geometry
2. Mapping can be defined in the geometry (and often that's the case) 3. The most important mapping argument? **aes**thetics! 4. Put all arguments which require variables (= columns) in `aes()`, all other arguments outside. --- class: center, middle  [Download cheatsheet here]( --- class: center, middle ### How to get started? Check the [Each session setup]( to get started. ### First time coding club? Check the [First time setup]( section to setup. --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle ### Share your code during the coding session! Go to
--- class: left, middle ### Install and load the package suite `install.packages("tidyverse")`
`library(tidyverse)` ### Install and load the INBO gglot theme `install.packages("INBOtheme")`
`library(INBOtheme)` --- class: left, middle ## Download data and source file - Click [`20191219/20191219_gam_fit_results.csv`]( and download* data file to `/data` folder. - Click [`20191219/20191219_survey_cleaned.csv`]( and download* data file to `/data` folder. - Click [`20191219/20191219_challenges.R`]( and download* script file in `/src` folder. * __Note__: check the getting started instructions on [how to download a single file]( --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_1.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 1 ## One plot, multiple geometries? Yes, we can Use dataframe `fit_results` to: 1. Plot number of observations (`obs`) versus time (`year`) and *facet* by species (`scientificName`). Arrange them in two rows and two columns. As y- and x- ranges are quit different among species, check that each plot has own y- and x-scale. 3. Add fit values (`fit` column) as red dotted line. 4. Add confidence interval area (lower value: `lcl`, upper value: `ucl`) with transparency equal to 0.3 and use purple as filling color. 5. Set "Number of observations in Belgian Natura2000 protected areas" as title and "Source: GBIF" as subtitle. 7. Left align both title and subtitles (`INBOtheme` centers authomatically title and subtitles). Your plot is now ready for being inserted in the paper. --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_2.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 2 You submitted the paper. The reviewer likes the plot a lot. Still, he/she asked the following minor review:
add a general plot above the subplots of previous challenge. I suggest to use area plots
Hint: you need a ggplot extension like `cowplot` or `egg`. --- class: left, middle ## Intermezzo: "Back to black" Do you like black backgrounds? Then you should try the themes from `ggdark` package!
Run: - `install.packages("ggdark")` - `library(ggdark)` and have fun!  --- class: left, middle background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_3.png) # Challenge 3 ### Option 1 The reviewer from challenge 2 approved the paper! He likes it, but still... He/she is the typical graphic freak. He wrote:
Why not adding the official logo of gbif on the left next to the title instead of subtitle "Source: GBIF"?
Do not download the logo. Just use the link as provided in the R source code.
Hint: the [magick]( package does magic.
 --- class: left, middle background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_3.png) # Challenge 3 ### Option 2 You don't have time to satisfy the reviewer: you need to
a plot of an earlier submitted paper (see code in option 2 of challenge 3 in source R file). Another graphic freak reviewer suggested this minor review:
instead of so many subplots, I would use an animation plot over date (year-month-day) to show the hidefoot length vs weight for all surveys taken **up to that date **.
Hint: check out the brilliant [gganimate]( package, in particular its *transitions* functions in combination with *shadows* functions (see list of functions in [reference](
 --- class: left, middle # Tutorials online There is a lot of documentation and tutorials online: 1. [Datacarpentry's data visualiation tutorial]( 2. [Stanford University tutorial]( 3. [R Graphics Cookbook, 2nd edition]( comprehensive 4. Selva Prabhakaran's []( extensive tutorials (Tutorial 1,2,3). Tutorials on modelling and timeseries too. 5. [ggplot2 extensions]( --- class: center, middle  Room: Herman Teirlinck - 01.05 - Isala Van Diest
Date: __28/01/2020__, van 10:00 tot 12:00
Title: **Data exploratory in R with tidyverse**
(registration announced via