No, not this time!
 --- class: left, middle ### CRS No geospatial data without specifying the Coordinate Reference System you work with! Why? Because we need to project a sphere on a flat map! The typical Mercator projection stretches at the Poles: . For more strange effects of the mercator projection see this [video]( from [tutorial]( --- class: left, middle ### CRS by EPSG codes A common way to specify the CRS is by providing the EPSG code. EPSG stands for European Petroleum Survey Group and is an organization that maintains a geodetic parameter database with standard codes, the EPSG codes, for coordinate systems, datums, spheroids, units and such alike. There are a lot of EPSG codes! Full list:  --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_2.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 2 1. For each observation of Atalanta find the 10x10km cell it belongs to. Hint: an `intersection` is needed... 2. How many observations in each cell of the grid? 3. For each observation of Atalanta find the municipality it belongs to. 4. How many observations in each municipality?
 --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_3.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 3 1. Get information on the layers of the Flemish protected area. How are they called? 2. Read the layer `ps_hbtrl` of the Flemish protected areas as `hab_flanders`. Does it have a EPSG code? If not, *transform* to EPSG code 31370 ( [geopunt source]( 3. Overlap protected areas and municipalities 4. In which municipalities is *Kalmthoutse Heide* located? 5. And the *Voerstreek*?
 --- class: left, middle # Bonus challenge Some extra exercises... 1. Via `st_read()` you can also read shape files! Go to the zipped shape file of Flemish protected areas: [`20190226/`]( Download it in your `data` folder and extract in subfolder `data/20190226/20190226_ps_hbtrl`. Check the names of the layers and read the layer `ps_hbtrl` as in challenge 3 2. Calculate centroids of the municipalities 3. Calculate distance of Atalanta observations to the centroids of the municipalities --- class: left, middle # Resources - [Geocomputation with R]( - [Spatial Data Science]( - [How to use open vector file formats in R]( - [`sf` cheatsheet]( - [`sf` article with some examples]( --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle  Room: Herman Teirlinck - 01.05 - Isala Van Diest Date: 28/04/2020, van 10:00 tot 12:00 (registration announced via