class: center, middle  # 24 NOVEMBER 2020 ## INBO coding club Exclusively on INBOflix --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle 
[ggplot2]( --- class: center, middle  [Download cheatsheet here]( --- class: center, middle ### How to get started? Check the [Each session setup]( to get started. ### First time coding club? Check the [First time setup]( section to setup. --- class: left, middle 
No yellow sticky notes online :-( We use hackmd (see next slide) but basic principle doesn't change. --- class: center, middle ### Share your code during the coding session! Go to
--- class: left, middle ## Load the required packages ``` library(tidyverse) ``` --- class: left, middle # Download data and code Instead of downloading the files manually we have a new `inborutils` function called `setup_codingclub_session()`. If you have not used this function yet, restart your R session and update the `inborutils` package by running: ```r if (!"remotes" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) { install.packages("remotes") } remotes::install_github("inbo/inborutils") ``` To download the coding club material of today, just run `setup_codingclub_session()`. In general, you can use the date in "YYYYMMDD" format , e.g. `setup_codingclub_session("20201027")`, to download the coding club material of October, 27. For all options, check the [tutorial online]( Of course, you can still download [data]( and [scripts]( manually*!
* __Note__: check the getting started instructions on [how to download a single file](
--- class: left, middle # The ggplot recipe: data - mapping - geometry  --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_1.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 1 Give a look at the [`CO2` dataset]( 1. Plot `uptake` as function of `conc` using points 2. Distinguish by `Treatment` using points with different colors 3. and different shapes for `Type` 4. Change the y-axis label to "CO2 uptake" 5. Add a title to the graph, e.g. "Cold tolerance of the grass species Echinochloa crus-galli" 6. Use a logarithmic scale for the concentration 7. Set colors to "blue" for chilled plants and "indian red" for nonchilled --- class: left, middle ## Intermezzo. Aesthetics This works: ``` ggplot(CO2, aes(x = conc, y = uptake, color = Type)) + geom_violin() ``` This works too: ``` ggplot(CO2) + geom_violin(aes(x = conc, y = uptake, color = Type)) ``` What should I use? Both are good, but... But what if you want to plot two or more geometries with *different* aesthetics? --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_2.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 2 1. What’s gone wrong with this code? Why are the points not green and transparency not correct? How to solve it? ``` ggplot(CO2, aes(x = conc, y = uptake, color = "green", alpha = 0.1)) + geom_point() ``` 2. With so many points it is hard to see the effect of `treatment` or `type` on `uptake`. A box plot ( `geom_boxplot()`) could help, but what's gone wrong with this code? The x , `conc`, doesn't make any sense. How to solve it? ``` ggplot(CO2, aes(x = conc, y = uptake, color = Treatment)) + geom_boxplot() ``` --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_3.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 3A Sometimes using colors, shapes, etc. is not sufficient: you would like to split data in a grid of subplots to ease interpretation. How to modify the code in the R script to show data of each plant forming a grid of 12 subplots as shown below?  --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_3.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 3B Let's use the `area_biotopes` dataset! The plot on the left is unreadable (see code in R script). The plot on the right is much better, isn't it? Try to get something similar* or even better! 
* __Note__: To get same color, run [`library(INBOtheme)`]( --- class: left, middle # Bonus challenge In challenge 1 we tried to understand the effect of `Type` (`Quebec`, `Mississipi`) and `Treatment` (`chilled` , `nonchilled`) separately via box plots. Now we would like, still by means of a box plot, to see the effect of the interaction of these two variables together, so that we have four different situations (2 Type x 2 Treatment).  --- class: left, middle ## Resources - `ggplot2` website: - [Commented solutions]( of the challenges - R for Data Science: [Chapter 3: Data visualization]( - [Datacarpentry's data visualiation tutorial]( - [Stanford University tutorial]( chapter 1 - R for Data Science: [Chapter 28: Graphics for communication]( --- class: center, middle  Room: online
Date: __17/12/2020__, van 10:00 tot 12:00
Subject: ggplot and more: how to make outstanding plots (registration announced via