class: center, middle  # 26 JANUARY 2021 ## INBO coding club Exclusively on INBOflix --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle # No VPN? No party  --- class: left, middle ## Introduction We will explore the functionalities provided by two "made in INBO" packages and then we play with SQL and tidyverse. 1. [inbodb]( 2. [watina]( --- class: left, middle ## `inbodb` package 1. Connect to any INBO database 2. Run specific queries for two INBO databases: florabank and INBOVEG [inbodb functions](  --- class: left, middle ## `watina` package 1. Connect to watina database 2. Run specific queries for watina database 3. Provide some useful helper functions [watina functions](  --- class: left, middle No cheatsheet, but a well-written [INBO tutorial]( is available, yeah!  --- class: center, middle ### How to get started? Check the [Each session setup]( to get started. ### First time coding club? Check the [First time setup]( section to setup. --- class: left, middle 
No yellow sticky notes online :-( We use hackmd (see next slide) but basic principle doesn't change. --- class: center, middle ### Share your code during the coding session! Go to
--- class: left, middle ## Challenge 0 1. Log in to [INBO VPN]( 2. If not done, install the required packages by following the instructions: - [inbodb installation instructions]( - [watina installation instructions]( 3. Load the required packages: ```r library(tidyverse) library(inbodb) library(watina) ``` 4. Open connections to databases ```r watina <- connect_watina() inboveg <- connect_inbo_dbase("D0010_00_Cydonia") florabank <- connect_inbo_dbase("D0021_00_userFlora") ``` 5. Did you get this error: `"The 'ODBC Driver for SQL Server' is missing. Please install it or contact your system administrator."`? We will contact ICT helpdesk this afternoon, but now run this after restarting R: ```r remotes::install_github("inbo/inbodb@sos") ``` --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_1.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 1 1. Find the R connection pane of RStudio and open a view of table `tblTaxon` of `florabank` (`D0021_00_userFlora`), table `ivRecording` of INBOVEG (`D0010_00_Cydonia`) and table `DimChemVar` of watina (`W0002_00_Watina`). Tips: check [RStudio connection pane documentation](; tables are under (default) `dbo` _schema_ 2. Still using the RStudio connection pane, find the type of the columns of (one of the) tables in 1, e.g. *char*acter, *int*eger 3. What type does `bit` stand for? Tip: check e.g. the values contained in column `CURRENT_IND` of table `DimChemVar` opened in 1 --- class: left, middle # Intermezzo 1: R is lazy... so are we Let us get the locations from watina database using watina function `get_locs(watina)`. Why do you get an error if you try to save them in a text format (e.g. csv)? ```r locations <- get_locs(watina) write_csv(locations) > Error in write_delim(x, file, delim = ",", na = na, append = append, col_names = col_names, : is not TRUE ``` Is locations not a data.frame??? ```r class(locations) [1] "tbl_Microsoft SQL Server" "tbl_dbi" [3] "tbl_sql" "tbl_lazy" [5] "tbl" ``` All you have is a table (`tbl`), but most of all, it's a _lazy table_... Welcome to the lazy woRld! --- class: left, middle # Intermezzo 1: R is lazy... so are we  `locations` is an SQL query, no data are really loaded on your laptop. It is like a reference to the result of the query but the full result of the query is not brought into memory. If you are thinking: _"are you kidding me?"_ Well, try this: ```r locations %>% show_query() ``` IMPORTANT: to avoid bad surprises (crashes, out of memory issues), first run your queries lazily. --- class: left, middle # Intermezzo 1: R is lazy... so are we
 R is not only lazy with databases, R is ALWAYS lazy ```r number <- 5 multiply_by_2 <- function(a, b) { a * 2 # b is not used } multiply_by_2(number) # no value given to argument b ``` `b` is a function argument, but never evaluated, so no error. This is what we mean by being **lazy**: doing **the strict minimum** of evaluation*. For this reason lazy evaluation is sometimes referred as _call-by-need_.
*More about lazy evaluation? Give a look at [this tutorial]( or spend a coffeebreak with Thierry ;-)
--- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_2.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 2 1. Using watina package and always in lazy mode: a. How many area codes exist in watina database? b. select locations from watina database with `area_codes` `"KAL"`, `"WES"` or `"ZAB"` and depth range between 2 and 4 meters 2. Using inbodb and florabank database and still being lazy, get observations of taxon _Erigeron_ 3. Using inbodb and inboveg database and still being lazy, search information about survey `"ABS-LIM2011"` 4. How to collect the data we queried in 1, 2 and 3? --- class: left, middle # Intermezzo 2: do I really need to learn SQL? Not everything is already wrapped in a function, of course. How to write your own SQL query? If you know SQL syntax, excellent! ```r gebogen_kransblad_query <- "SELECT NaamWetenschappelijk FROM tblTaxon WHERE NaamNederlands = 'Gebogen kransblad'" tbl(src = florabank, sql(gebogen_kransblad_query)) ``` But you don't have to be an SQL programmer, thanks to tidyverse! ```r tbl(src = florabank, "tblTaxon") %>% filter(NaamNederlands == "Gebogen kransblad") %>% select(NaamWetenschappelijk) ``` --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_3.png) class: left, middle # Challenge 3 Feel free to use tidyverse syntax or SQL syntax or experiment both! 1. Using `florabank` and its table `tblTaxon`: a. get the first 10 rows b. get the scientific name (`NaamWetenschappelijk`) of Dutch name (`NaamNederlands`) _Slank snavelmos_ c. get the scientific names and Dutch names of taxa with Dutch name starting with _Slank_. [Tip for SQL query](; [tip for tidyverse]( 2. Using `INBOVEG` database and its table `ivRecording`, retrieve the 10 locations (`LocationCode`) with the highest number of recordings with `Latitude` between 50.9 and 51.1 and `Longitude` between 3.5 and 3.9. Show the locations and the number of recordings and order them by decreasing order (location with highest number of recordings first) 3. How to get the column names of table `ivRecording` from `INBOVEG`? --- class: left, middle # Bonus challenge 1 Writing queries can be hard and we have specialists in house who are great at it... Let's make sure we can reuse our own and their hard work! Based on solution of challenge 3.2, create a function called `inboveg_locs_most_recs()`: - the function has four input arguments: - a connection to database ( `con`) - number of locations to return (`n_locations`), - vector with min/max values of `Latitude` (lat) - vector with min/max values of `Longitude` (lng) - the function returns a dataframe with two columns: `locationCode` and `n` (number of recordings) arranged by decreasing values of `n` - test your function by using it, e.g. ```r inboveg_locs_most_recs(inboveg, n_locations = 8, lat = c(50.1, 50.3), lng = c(4.2, 4.9)) ``` - write it in SQL* or in tidyverse syntax
* Package [glue]( can help you. [This part]( of the tutorial can also help...
--- class: left, middle # Bonus challenge 2 Packages inbodb and watina and their functions can be improved, of course! Add a new functionality to one of the `get_` functions of `inbodb` or `watina`, e.g. add an argument, `sf_poly` (a `sf` polygon) to [`get_inboveg_header()`]( to retrieve metadata for vegetation recordings located in the polygon `sf_poly`. --- class: left, middle # HELP FUTURE-YOU Do you have queries you run very often? Do you have queries where you have to change some arguments manually (e.g. taxon name, location code)? Add an issue to the `inbodb` package and help future-you and your colleagues. `inbodb` is not a static thing. It is something we can improve, **TOGETHER!** * 
*Joe Biden would say the same if he would work for INBO
--- class: left, middle ## Resources - [challenge solutions]( are available - [inbodb package documentation]( - [watina package documentation]( Check also the section with very useful articles - the wonderful INBO tutorial about [reading data from INBO databases in R]( a lot of useful information in a very human language with a lot of examples. Thanks Stijn, Floris and Els! - if you prefer webinars, here you are: a [RStudio webinar with demo]( about RStudio, R and SQL - Very nice tutorial from Data Carpenty: [data management with SQL for ecologists]( lesson, especially on [queries]( and [aggregations]( --- class: center, middle  Room: 01.05 - Isala Van Diest(?)
Date: __25/02/2021__, van 10:00 tot 12:00
Subject: **read data in R**
(registration announced via