class: center, middle  # 28 APRIL 2022 ## INBO coding club 01.05 - Isala Van Diest --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle  New [dplyr cheatsheet]( available. --- class: center, middle  New [stringr cheatsheet]( available. Interesting for manipulating strings in an intuitive way. --- class: center, middle ### How to get started? Check the [Each session setup]( to get started. ### First time coding club? Check the [First time setup]( section to setup. --- class: center, middle ### Share your code during the coding session! Go to and start by adding your name in section "Participants".
--- class: left, top # Download data and code Today no R code script and only one data.frame to download You can download the material: - automatically via `inborutils::setup_codingclub_session()`* - manually** from GitHub folder [coding-club/data/20220428](
__\* Note__: you can use the date in "YYYYMMDD" format to download the coding club material of a specific day, e.g. run `setup_codingclub_session("20201027")` to download the coding club material of October, 27 2020. If date is omitted, the date of today is used. For all options, check the [tutorial online](
__\*\* Note__: check the getting started instructions on [how to download a single file](
--- class: left, top Today we will work with data from INBOVEG database and containing features of standing waters. Thanks to An for giving us such inspiration. Copy-paste the following code in a R script within your `coding-club` RStudio session and you can start with challenge 1. Happy coding. ```r library(tidyverse) veg_df <- read_csv(file = "./data/20220428/20220428_inboveg_data.txt", na = "") ``` --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_1.png) class: left, top # Challenge 1 1. Display the very first 8 rows. Display the very last 8 rows. 2. Display columns `Q1Code` and `Q1Description` 3. Display the _distinct_ values of `Q1Code` and `Q1Description`. Do the same for `Q2Code` and `Q2Description`. 3. _Count_ how many data are reliable and how many are not (`NotSure` = `0` or `1`). 4. How to remove not reliable data? --- class: left, top # Intermezzo: the _pipe_ %>% From [dplyr documentation](  --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_2.png) class: left, top # Challenge 2A 1. All `Q2Description` and all `Name` values contain the string `"31xx_"`. Please, remove it from both columns. 2. Select rows where `UserReference` contains `HGA`, `LIL` or `RIN`. Hint: combine dplyr and stringr. 3. The observers were anonymized by using [Gravity Falls]( characters. This is not needed anymore, so we can use the real names. Change values in column `Observer` as follows: cartoon term | real name --- | --- `"Dipper Pines"` | `"Hans Van Calster"` `"Wendy"` | `"Emma Cartuyvels"` `"Dipper Pines & Ford Pines"` | `"Hans Van Calster & Dirk Maes"` `"Dipper Pines & Wendy"` | `"Hans Van Calster & Emma Cartuyvels"` `"Dipper Pines & Mabel Pines"` | `"Hans Van Calster & Raïsa Carmen"` `"Dipper Pines & Robbie Valentino"` | `"Hans Van Calster & Damiano Oldoni"` `"Dipper Pines, Wendy, Grunkle Stan & Robbie Valentino"` | `"Hans Van Calster, Emma Cartuyvels, Joost Vanoverbeke & Damiano Oldoni"` `"Dipper Pines, Wendy & Mabel Pines"` | `"Hans Van Calster, Emma Cartuyvels & An Leyssen"` `"Gravity Falls"`| `"INBO coding club core team"` --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_2.png) class: left, top # Challenge 2B Try to apply the pipe to concatenate all steps below. 1. Save the rows containing the maximal depth of the watercourse (`Q2Code`= `Diept`) or the Secchi depth in meters (`Q3Code`= `Secch`) as a new dataframe called `extract_df`. 2. Remove from `extract_df` the columns `Name`, `QualifierType`, `ParentID`, `QualifierResource` and all the columns whose name starts with `Q1`. 3. Add to `extract_df` a new column called `value` containing the numeric values extracted from column `Elucidation`. After that, remove `Elucidation` column as well. 4. Map the values 0, 1 in column `NotSure` to `FALSE`, `TRUE` respectively. Hint: [basic R]( can help. 5. Get the rows from `extract_df` with the 5 deepest measuring points. --- # INTERMEZZO: recap tidy data During the [last session]( we spoke about tidy data. `veg_df` is not tidy, and so `extract_df`: the watercourse depth and the Secchi depth should be spread over two columns as they are two different variables. Here the code to create a tidy version of `extract_df` called `extract_df_tidy` and which we will use for challenge 3: ``` extract_df_tidy <- extract_df %>% tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = Q2Code, values_from = c(Q2Description, Q3Code, Q3Description, value, NotSure)) ``` --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_3.png) class: left, top # Challenge 3A 1. Change the column order of `extract_df_tidy` by showing first `RecordingGivid `, `UserReference`, `Observer`, then the columns related to clarity (column name ending with `_Helde`), and then the ones related to watercourse depth (column name ending with `_Dept`). 2. Create a _summary_ for each recording event (`RecordingGivid`) to show the relative water clarity, as column `RelWaterClarity`. We define the relative water clarity as the Secchi depth (`value_Helde`) divided by the total depth (`value_Diept`). 3. As not all data are declared as reliable (`NotSure_*` = `TRUE`), set `RelWaterClarity` as NA in these cases --- background-image: url(/assets/images/background_challenge_3.png) class: left, top # Challenge 3B 1. Create a column called `datetime` containing the datetime of the measurement as encoded in `RecordingGivid`, e.g. IV**20190809105108**87. Hint: to transform a string yyyymmddhhmmss to a datetime object, you can use lubridate::as_datetime(), e.g. `lubridate::as_datetime("20190809105108")` 2. Create a _summary_ for each observer with the number of recordings (call it `n`), the deepest watercourse ever measured (`max_depth`), the most cloudy water ever measured (`min_secch_depth`), the oldest (`first_rec`) and the most recent recording (`last_rec`). Show the results ordered by the number of recordings `n`, from highest to lowest and by `last_rec`, most recent recordings first. 3. Calculate the _summary_ above only for `Observers` with less than 10% unreliable recordings, i.e. less than 1 out of 10 recorded depth or clarity. Hint: you can make use of help columns, i.e. columns created as an intermediate step and then removed from final result. --- class: left, top # dplyr: make hard things easy Do you want to calculate the _nonparametric bootstrap for obtaining confidence limits for the population mean without assuming normality_? What???? With dplyr it's child's play! ```r > df_cleaned %>% group_by(species) %>% summarise(mean_cl_boot(length)) # A tibble: 44 x 4 species y ymin ymax
1 baars 9.52 8.61 10.5 2 bittervoorn 5.23 4.75 5.66 3 blankvoorn 9.90 9.48 10.3 4 blauwbandgrondel 5.57 5.36 5.79 5 bot 7.46 7.28 7.63 6 brakwatergrondel 4.26 4.21 4.32 7 brasem 13.1 12.4 13.9 8 chinese_wolhandkrab NaN NA NA 9 dikkopje 4.90 4.78 5.02 10 driedoornige_stekelbaars 5.62 5.44 5.88 # ... with 34 more rows ``` --- class: left, top ## Resources - [Challenge solutions]( - [Video recording]( is available at the INBO coding club channel - [dplyr]( package documentation. - [dplyr cheat sheet]( - [stringr]( package documentation. - [stringr cheat sheet]( - Extra challenges needed? Check the sessions of [29-04-2021]( and [28-01-2020]( --- class: center, middle How should we organize the next INBO coding club sessions? Please, fill in the [questionnaire](, if not done already!  --- class: left, top # [Empowering Biodiversity Research conference](  Take a journey into the world of biodiversity data standards and tools! Get informed on the latest developments in the world of Biodiversity Informatics, on the state of the art in initiatives like GBIF, LifeWatch and DiSSCo, etc. and how you can benefit from such initiatives. - **When**? 24-25 May 2022 - **Where**? AfricaMuseum, Leuvensesteenweg 13. Tervuren 1970, Belgium - **More info**? Find out more about the [Empowering Biodiversity Research conference]( or please contact [Dimitri Brosens](, Biodiversity Data Acquisition Manager of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform... Yes, "our Dimi"! --- class: left, top # R workshop - **What**? VLIZ organizes a R workshop: "Bringing together marine biodiversity, environmental and maritime boundaries data in R". You will learn how to combine data from a number of VLIZ data systems through their R packages and APIs. Packages discussed in the workshop: [lwdataexplorer](, [worrms](, [mregions](, [eurobis](, [sdmpredictors]( and [EMODnetWFS]( - **Where**? Brussels as part of the VLIZ cointribution of the [Empowering Biodiversity Research conference]( Joining remotely is also posssible. - **When**? 30th of May. - **More info**? (Workshop 6) - **Registrations**? - **Questions**? Mail to [Salvador Fernandez](, [Lennert Schepers]( or [Laura Marquez]( --- class: center, middle  Room: 01.05 - Isala Van Diest(?)
Date: __31/05/2022__, van 10:00 tot 12:00
Subject: **join, join, join!**
(registration announced via